Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5, 2013 Post #3 Viva Italia!

2013 FIAT 500 
 The saying goes, "good things come in small packages" and with this imported beaut, the saying fits perfectly...which is ironic considering the leg-room in this hot Italian!

Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty. I know nothing about this car, so if you are a serious consumer, please find help elsewhere, I will only make your life worse. I'll I can tell you from this picture car is that it is very sleek, sporty and is ALWAYS found next to the coastal highway. Always. And because I have zero knowledge about this matchbox on wheels, I decided to see what "informative" commercials had to offer...and this is what I found.

Wow. Now give it a moment to let everything you have learned sink in. Kind off like the cars when they dove into the ocean. Ready? Okay, let's get this started.  

Now I know we've all dreamed about that car that can fly or talk to us, but here, RIGHT HERE, we have a car that can swim! And now we can careen off a cliff into the ocean with little to no permenant damage. Putting that aside, let's move forward.

To boil this commerical down I've come up with two main focuses: sight and sound.

Sight: I see colors. The colors are bright. Bright colors make me happy. If I buy this car, there will be bright colors that will make me happy. WRONG. This is some kind of critical thinking reasoning fallacy that I forgot as soon as I took the midterm, but nevertheless, it IS a fallacy.

Sound: I see an old man. I see a wedding. I see more old men. I see the ocean. They all see me. Maybe if I drive the new 2013 Fiat 500, everyone will notice me! WRONG. You could run down the street buck-naked screaming, "The gov'ment came an' took mah bay-buh!" and you will still get noticed. You might get locked away, but you will be noticed. Also, when you drive you won't be seeing these things, unless you have the intend to run them over.

Now, combine these two elements and what do we have? A minute and a half commercial depicting a scenic Italian countryside where life continues normally. I don't know about you, but that's all I need to know in order to buy this car. 

In addendum, this commercial is racist! A song called immigration and then cars jump into the water and swim to another country? Doesn't that just scream illegal immigration? Is that what we call subliminal messaging? Well, if it isn't I need to pay more attention in class, but if it does, shame on YOU corporate America...just kidding, please don't discontinue my favorite brands like Uggs or Weight Watchers.

Forever your indentured servant,


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