Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5, 2013 Post #5 Reese's Falling to Pieces

What happened Elle? You went from Delta Nu to Harvard, and now to TMZ? Luckily for the Harvard graduate, she won't need to hire representation during her court date.

Nothing personal against the actress, and no disrespect intended but, what happened? Apparently, the actress had "one too many" glasses of wine, along with her husband, and she panicked when they were pulled over. During her husband's field sobriety test, Reese got out of the car and began verbally, for lack of a better word, abusing, the Georgia state trooper. She questioned, "Do you know my name?" and added, "You're about to find out who I am!" And when she was handcuffed she was beyond belief. Later, on an interview on ABC, Reese said, "There are so many lessons learned," and that "When a police offer tell you to stay in the car, you stay in the car."
  Again, no disrespect, but really? You're saying that we DO have to listen to the law enforcement? INCONCEIVABLE! And just because you are an U.S. citizen, doesn't give you the right to stand on American ground and ask any question you want to ask, especially in the face of the law. And then, don't tell the law enforcement officer, "you'd better not arrest me," that's a sure-fire way to be arrested. Didn't you learn anything from your time as a lawyer? Apparently not, because you believe that just because you are an American citizen, you have the right to rudely confront police officers and be offended when they charge you. It is that beyond. And Reese, you were harassing him, not you, an American citizen, being harassed by a Georgia trooper. And you honestly didn't know that you had to obey the law enforcer's orders? That's a new level of low that even Chelsea from That's So Raven couldn't even hit. And she tried hard. And just because you are a famous celeb doesn't mean A: people know you who you are every single place you are and B: just because they do recoginize you, doesn't give you special privileges. Like you said, you are an American citizen. Not a special citizen. And what is it with you and America? Obstructing justice leads to being un-American?

However, kudos to you Reese for acknowledging your wrong-doing, on national television, was in fact, wrong. Most celebs don't have the guts or woman-power to do that. And, fellow readers, keep in mind that this kind of thing happens more frequently than we realize, it's just not highly-publicized by media because the people aren't "worthy of mentioning" so in a way, that police officer should've known who you are, Reese.

It is unfortunate the amount of coverage this story received by various media outlets and it really shows that the unwashed masses really prefer the more superficial, scandalous news reports than the genuine reporting my friend Ron Burgundy (shown above, center) did back in the 1970s. And because of the hungry masses waiting at the chained fence of media, begging for just a drop of juicy gossip, advertisment is there to work it's magic to confuse the poor, hungry audience and manipulate them at their weakest moment. 

But don't worry Reese, I got your back! Delta Nu sisters forevs! 

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