Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 28, 2013 Post #2 A New Era of Stalking

Okay Nikon, in the words of my girl Fat Amy, lesbihonest. This commercial has literally made me laugh my @$$ off so many times you wouldn't believe it! Kudos to the director of this commercial; he or she had some major cojones to all this commercial to hit the nation. 

Maybe I'm being a little harsh, I mean, we all have those days when we whip out our cameras and take pictures of people across the restaurant, right? And I guess it's normal to see some random person across the room taking pictures of you, with their special zooming effects that only Nikon has. I only wonder what would happen if the person taking those pictures wasn't Ashton Kutcher, but instead someone more like this? 
I just have a feeling that the blond chick wouldn't blow a kiss at the camera, but run for help screaming in the other direction. But hey, I could be completely wrong! Maybe it means that if I have a Nikon coolpix S630, L100 or P90 with mega-times zoom, I will get the "Ashton Kutcher" reaction. Fingers crossed.

On a more serious note, this commerical was so utterly terrible I couldn't help laughing. It brought me much joy and happiness, but also made me feel sad because it means that somewhere, some stalker is getting his/her hopes up on being able to take pictures from far away and have the camera's focus smiling carefree. I honestly feel for the poor sap who falls for this commercial. And now that I think about it, this commercial kind of pisses me off. Do corporate advertisers really have such low standards they set their targeted audiences to? Do they really believe we are complete morons? (No offense to any owners of Nikon cameras, I'm sure you are all wonderful, harmless people...Please don't follow me home.)

While my area of expertise in the vast field of media is slimmer than most model's waist sizes, I claim to possess enough wits about me to distinguish this commercial as an utter failure. Sorry corporate America! I didn't fall for this one! Better luck next time...Please don't sue me.

I can honestly say that I'm not sure if any techniques were used to persuade potential buyers just based on the horrible quality of this thirty-second barrel of laughes. And if techniques were used, they were used so incorrectly that they backfired like a grandma climbing up stairs while the young, innocent grandchild climbs up behind her, trying to hold back tears and breathing.

And lastly, this commercial makes me very concerned about the work ethics of modern day stalkers. Sitting in an open restaurant with a zoom? BOOOOORING. Lets have some action, some adventure. A potted plant? I know, I know, been there, hid behind that. So what? Come up with something! Innovate! That's what makes stalking such a fruitful hobby! It keeps you on your toes and in shape. Take some risks, use the natural zoom that only comes from a few inches away while completely incognito.

Oh, and dear readers, remember, it is NOT the "zoom makes them fun" as Nikon wants us to believe. It's the chase that makes it fun.  

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