Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10, 2013 Post #16 La Reflexión

¡Hola chicos y chicas! ¡Soy yo, Precioso! I just ate Chipotle and now my Mejicano juices are flowin'. (SO many things wrong with that, but summer's almost here so I'M DONE).

I would say that media consumes my life because it is so entertaining. It's basically what keeps me sane during this sophomore year of a infierno viviente because it's simple and easy-going. I can't honestly answer how this impacts my life, but I would imagine that since I am so heavily consumed with media that it would have a significant impact on my life, and if I had paid better attention to the videos played in Zero Period I probably would know what the impact is.

Critical Thinking in regards to media and media consumption has completely ruined the experience of viewing media. Before, I would see crappy commercials on television and laugh and make fun of the stupidity but now as I watch these advertisments, while sipping my tea with my pinky lifted to the ceiling with my nose in the air, I say, "Hmph! Amateurs. Obviously that is a utilization of the over-used advertising technique of testimonial. How bland." I WANT MY OLD LIFE BACK. THIS UPPITY-WHITE-#*$%@ is not what I thought I would become. I want to be the dumb stack of IHOP pancakes that laughs with drool coming from the corner of my mouth with my eyes going cross-eyed and slurring my words. That was the innocent, uncorrupted youth that I will NEVER, EVER get back.

My media consumption habits have definately changed this semester and even this year because I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO TIME FOR JOY OR HAPPINESS DURING THIS SOPHOMORE YEAR OF HISP AND THAT MEANS NO TELEVISION OR MEDIA OR SUNSHINE OR DAISIES OR RAINBOWS OR PUPPIES. Now, when I see commercials that use techniques and needs I cry because they remind me of school, which reminds me of stress, which reminds me of HISP which makes me want to cry so I have to throw a plate at the TV and run in my bedroom and hide under the covers. #thestruggle

It is important to have media literacy because it allows a person to become more aware of the ways advertizers are manipulating them to buy their products. Being an educated consumer is important because, well, education is valued in all regions of everything in life, so obviously an education in consumerism is good.

If you, dear reader, have been following me from the very start then you will know exactly what I have gotten out of this media blog: stress and stress-relief. It was hard to keep track of doing each single media blog week after week after week but then it was relaxing, and quite frankly, natural to complain, assume and make fun of advertisings. I'm not even sure that I am doing these media blogs right but the school year ends in like two days so what the hell, PEACE OUT YITCHES!

¡Adiós y dormir bien!



P.S. ¡Ay qué dramatica! PLEASE don't hurt me HISP teachers, I thought it was funny and an exaggerated truth. FREEDOM OF SPEECH! 1st amendment of our country!!! ¡Ay dios mío! I'm going to be failed aren't I?! HAVE MERCY POR FAVOR!!!!!!!!
....I'm going to go lie down now

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