Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19, 2013 Post #9 If You Seek Amy

 Oh Comedy Central, you've done it again. When I've seen the fifteen-second previews of Inside Amy Schumer I laughed so hard I almost cried. This woman is truly histerical. Granted, her humor is for mature audiences, I think it is hilarious. WARNING: the following blog will contain material not suitable for audiences who have dissatisfaction with crude humor.

Amy Schumer, in the soon-to-be-aired episode The Horror, admits that when she is a scared, she farts. I blew chunks when I heard her say this and then my face turned red, dripping in tears when I heard her break wind. I've tried to hard to find that preview clip, but to no avail, I was unable to find the clip. However, tune into Comedy Central on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 at 12.31am or 2.03am to watch the episode it appears in or again at 8.57pm on Friday that same week.

Now, if you are sensative to this type of humor and are still reading, I suggest that you turn back now and run and hide. It only gets worse from here. In her show, Amy Schumer faces many difficulties including regrets regarding one night stands, getting on planes, auditioning, figuring out sexting, visiting a testicle-themed restaurant, interviewing a stripper, quitting her porn career, refusing to accept a compliment, discovering her boyfriend has aids, getting a bad haircut and making out with Amber Tamblyn. That's just a day's hard work for Amy.

Now dear readers (if there are any left by now), you may be concerned about the state of our country if this is what the unwashed masses find humorous. Actually, if you were the kind of person to be concerned about the state of our country, you would have left this blog a few paragraphs ago running and screaming to the nearest chapel. (Just a little joke, no offense and in the words of Homer Simpson, "Praise Jebus.") But lets say, for the sake of the argument that you, my audience, is concerned that this is humorous to the public. You probably should be worried. Remember when we were kids and we found fart noices made from the underarms or behind the kneecaps to be hilarious? Actually, it still is, but I'm assuming my audience has matured past me. Well, while some few intellectuals have risen above that kind of crude humor and now find humor in reading articles and political cartoons in The New Yorker that quite honestly make my head hurt. 

If the majority of our country can be entertained with the humor found in elementary playgrounds, what does that say about our country? Maybe the Communists were right. (Just kidding, we've been learning about Communism and Socialism for the last past year and a half and I still have no idea what that is so have no fear CIA, I have no ulterior motives.) What will happen to this country if we continue down this path of degradation? I forsee something to be like this.

Tell me, if this does not scare you.

Irony alert, the makers of this clip are the producers and creators of the Fox show, Family Guy, one of the most innapropriately funny shows I've ever seen.

Just kidding, this is probably just another negative stereotype abused by comedians and comics for laughs and there is no need to panic for the state of our country. But, if you have the opportunity, maybe once you will chose to get out of your Lay-z-Boy chair (haven't seen one of their commercials in forever. Do they even make those anymore?) with the perminant-butt-indent, butt away your cheap beer and television remote and go outdoors and possibly use that book for something other than a coaster and a table balancer? Please? The fate of this country is in your hands.

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